A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

A simple game of defending the King Pin by placing peasant pins in the path of a deadly bowling ball that keeps coming back at increasing speed!

Just click the floor to place a pin - you can also move existing pins by dragging them. Click the pin angels to bring the pins back to your supply - you won't ever get more than the 10 you start with!

Made with Godot engine for the GameDev.tv Game Jam 2024.

HOTFIX 04/06/2024 - initial version was exported without the Jolt physics engine file, and physics was wonky. New version should work correctly now. 



Updated 13 days ago
Published 14 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Tagsbowling, Singleplayer, Tower Defense


God_Save_the_King_Pin_linux.zip 35 MB
God_Save_the_King_Pin.zip 38 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Unzip the archive and just run the game .exe (with the jolt engine dll in the same directory)! Requires Windows 64 bit.

Linux: hopefully the Linux build works, I wasn't able to test myself.

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